Wednesday 4 April 2012

What a girl wants.....

Hi everyone!
Don't worry about the title, I'm not about to launch into a Christina Aguilera song, I save karaoke for drunken nights on the Wii Sing! This post is about the 3 most important things I want to achieve from this journey;

1. To walk into any shop and buy something that I know will fit
This is something that so many people take for granted; walking into River Island, grabbing a size 10 of the rail and paying for it without trying it on safe in the knowledge it will fit AND look good! That is my main motivation for doing this, I want to be one of those people who can shop without a care in the world, without worrying about whether a zip will fasten or whether I will actually look half decent in the outfit! You're probably thinking oh what about health reasons. Yes, I'm not saying that's not important but I am generally quite healthy at the moment! I'm hardly ever off sick at work, never been in hospital for an overnight stay and rarely set eyes on my GP! I'm sure there will be hidden health benefits to this that in years to come will make me glad I set out on this journey in my twenties but right now my sole motivation is looking good!

2. To be confident
I'm 27 years old and feel like I'm wasting my life. I should be out partying and coming in at all hours yet I stay at home most evenings; not because I haven't anyone to go out with, far from it. It's more of a confidence issue and not feeling comfortable in a bar full of beautiful, sexy slim girls. I feel inadequate and almost as if I have no right to be there. Only anyone who has ever been overweight will understand this and it's a feeling I'm desperate to escape. I want to walk into a bar and feel like I belong there amongst the pretty girls.

3. For my reflection to match the person I am inside
Anyone that knows me well will know my obsession for shoes and handbags, what they might not know is I buy them because they always fit. I would have a similar obsession with clothes if they came with the same guarantee! The fashionista in me is screaming to be let out. I know all the latest fashions, read endless fashion magazines and following all fashion related gossip yet I cannot buy any lovely fashionable clothes because of my size. Inside I feel like a fashionista yet my reflection says horrible, fat gal. I want to lose weight and start to recognise the gal I see in the mirror again and become the fashionista inside and out!

I will end this post as I began; with Christina Aguilera!! This song sums up exactly how I feel most times and I'm hoping that at the end of my weighwatchers journey, my reflection will show who I am inside. Hope you enjoy the video, just click this link - Reflection

Bye for now

Jules xx

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